Jolie Pollet, Bureau of Land Management Division Chief, Fire Planning and Fuels Management, talks to us about her career in wildland fire management and the importance of fuels, or vegetation, management to reduce wildfire risk. She explains what fire planning is, discusses fuels management from fire breaks to community assistance, why it is so important, what people can do to reduce their own risk, and the goals and challenges we face today in fuels management to "defend and grow the core."
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Depending on your agency, UAS stands for unmanned, uncrewed, or unoccupied aircraft systems, also referred to as drones by many people. BLM Remote Pilots...
Boise District BLM Fuels Specialist Courtney Wyatt talks about her experience working in wildland fire suppression and transitioning to fuels management. We discuss wildland...
Michele Crist, landscape ecologist for the Bureau of Land Management fire planning and fuels management program, studies landscape changes in the environment including research...