BLM Fire employs over 3,600 wildland firefighters and support personnel nationwide. Since premiering in 2022, the Wildfire Matters podcast has focused on BLM Fire employees in the various positions supporting wildland fire management. If you are interested in learning how some BLM Fire employees found their professions and why they stayed, Carrie Bilbao and Jennifer Myslivy invite you to listen to this recap of previous episodes as they discuss and highlight the people, positions, and career paths in wildland fire management, including their own. This episode was recorded on October 3, 2023.
Boise District BLM Fuels Specialist Courtney Wyatt talks about her experience working in wildland fire suppression and transitioning to fuels management. We discuss wildland...
The award-winning National Fire Equipment Program (NFEP) located at the National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) incorporates firefighter innovation with industry expertise to provide the...
Katie Wood, Program Manager for the National Wildfire Coordinating Group or NWCG, discusses what NWCG does and how this group operates. Katie begins the...