BLM Fire National Critical Incident Stress Program Manager Dr. Patty O’Brien explains critical incident stress management, how firefighters can cope with traumatic events and depression, and how we break through the stigma of talking about mental health. Prior to becoming a doctor, Dr. Patty worked for several years as a Forest Service hotshot. At that time, she realized the need for fire personnel support services and became interested in firefighter mental health. We talk about the many resources available from peers, friends, family members, and employee assistance to dialing the new crisis hotline “988” on your phone - connecting the right tools to the individual to stay physically and mentally fit.
When disaster strikes, such as during hurricanes, floods, or search and rescue missions, an all-hands-on-deck situation can arise. This is where wildland firefighters and...
Michele Crist, landscape ecologist for the Bureau of Land Management fire planning and fuels management program, studies landscape changes in the environment including research...
Depending on your agency, UAS stands for unmanned, uncrewed, or unoccupied aircraft systems, also referred to as drones by many people. BLM Remote Pilots...